This line continues from Tabriz to Jolfa city in north of East Azerbaijan province and is connected to the railways of Nakhichevan. "[20] The name is also mentioned in the Avestan Frawardin Yasht: âterepâtahe ashaonô fravashîm ýazamaide which translates literally to: "We worship the Fravashi of the holy Atare-pata. Continuation des visites avec Arg-e Tabriz (aussi appelé Arg-e Alishah), monument d’abord utilisé comme une mosquée, mais servit par la suite de forteresse lors des guerres opposant la Russie et la Perse au XIXe siècle. No need to point to concrete Soviet political activities in this direction, as in 1945–46 etc. Les Azéris en Iran restent assez conservateurs en comparaison avec la plupart des Azéris de la République d'Azerbaïdjan. But large Azerbaijani populations can be found in Khorasan[123] mostly in Mashhad. Retour à Tabriz. Although the Azerbaijani language is not an official language of Iran it is widely used, mostly orally, among the Iranian Azerbaijanis.  : […] Située au pied des monts Elbourz, dans une région très convoitée, sous la menace directe des Assassins de la vallée voisine d'Alamut, elle fut capitale de l'empire safavide de 1555 à 1597. L' Azerbaïdjan oriental ou Azerbaïdjan de l'Est (Şərqi Azərbaycan Ostanı en azéri, آذربایجان شرقی, Āzarbāyjān-e Šarqi en persan) est une province d' Iran faisant partie de l' Azerbaïdjan iranien. [152], Ashik is a mystic bard, balladeer, or troubadour who accompanied his song be it a hikaye or a shorter original composition with a long-necked lute. [140] In the span of the 17th century, 18th and 19th century, Fizuli's unique genres as well Ashik poetry were taken up by prominent poets and writers such as Qovsi Tabrizi, Shah Abbas Sani, Khasta Qasim, Mirza Fatali Akhundov, Seyid Abulgasim Nabati, Ali Mojuz and others. Minorsky, V. "Jihān-Shāh Qara-Qoyunlu and His Poetry (Turkmenica, 9)". L'armée impériale russe a occupé l'Azerbaidjan iranien en 1909, puis entre 1912 et 1914 et de nouveau entre 1915 et 1918, alors que les ottomans l'ont occupé entre 1914 et 1915 et 1918 et 1919. Depuis le XIe siècle cette partie de l’Iran, l'ancienne province d'Atropatène, est peuplée de tribus persanophones et turcophones[réf. Muslims settled in Azerbaijan as they did in many parts of Iran. A network of Iranian national roads connects cities and populated areas of Azerbaijan to each other and to other parts of Iran. Pour finir la visite de Qazvin, découverte du caranvansérail Sa’d al-Sultaneh datant de l’époque qadjare. During the same period, under the pen-name of Khatāī (Arabic: خطائی‎ for sinner)[145] Shah Ismail I wrote about 1400 verses in Azerbaijani,[146] which were later published as his Divan. There are 17 rivers and two lakes in the region. ببودند شاهان و آزادگان - Le guide-accompagnateur francophone Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic, adjacent region of contemporary northwestern Iran, Category:Iranian Azerbaijani people by occupation, Church of the Holy Mother of God, Darashamb, University of Applied Science and Technology, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), 2010 Asian Men's Cup Volleyball Championship, 2012 Asian Junior Men's Volleyball Championship, 2014 Asian Men's Junior Handball Championship, Middle East Review of International Affairs, "AVESTA: KHORDA AVESTA (English): Frawardin Yasht (Hymn to the Guardian Angels)", MANNEA by R. Zadok in Encyclopaedia Iranica,, "Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Presidential Library – Religion", Cold War International History Project Virtual Archive 2.0 Collection: 1945–46 Iranian Crisis, M. N. POGREBOVA, Encyclopædia Iranica, ARCHEOLOGY. 5 line (4 lines are underground subway and 1 line is planned to connect Tabriz to Sahand) and the total planned length is 75 kilometres (47 mi).  : […] De Tabriz à Qazvin, la capitale de la calligraphie en passant par le village troglodytique de Kandovan, d’Alamut, siège de la mystérieuse secte des Assassins aux rives de la Caspienne, l’Iran n’a pas fini de vous surprendre. Ancien lavoir où les femmes venaient faire la lessive. En cours de route, visite de Qaleh Rudkhan (le château de Rudkhan), complexe militaire construit pendant l’époque sassanide (224 – 651) et rebâti à l’époque seldjoukide par les ismaéliens nizarites. L’Azerbaïdjan iranien est peuplé de 12 ou 15 à 30 millions d'Azéris (selon les estimations de la CIA, du gouvernement iranien dans le premier cas, et enfin des nationalistes azéris dans le second)[1],[2]. This poem, published in Tabriz in 1954 and written in colloquial Azerbaijani, became popular among Iranians and the people of Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic. vendons en direct et pratiquons des niveaux de marge modérés, Pas de mauvaise surprise, nos prix détaillent clairement Selon la volonté de Āqā Mohammad Khān, Fath ‘Ali Shāh désigna le jeune ‘Abbās Mirzā (qui n'était pas son fils aîné mais était né d'une princesse qādjār develu) comme héritier et comme gouverneur de l'Azerbaïdjan (17 […] nécessaire]. personnalisé qui détaille votre programme sur-mesure, Pendant votre séjour, vous bénéficiez d’une assistance The book Safina-yi Tabriz describes the general state of Tabriz during the Ilkhanid period. The biggest economic hub is Tabriz which contains the majority of heavy industries and food industries. © 2020 Encyclopædia Universalis France.Tous droits de propriété industrielle et intellectuelle réservés. Départ pour Kandovan, village troglodyte dans la région du Sahand, plus haut sommet de l’Azerbaïdjan. Lire la suite, Dans le chapitre « La suzeraineté russe » - L’hébergement dans les hôtels mentionnés (ou similaires, normes locales) en chambre double standard Les Kurdes en particulier, considérés comme d'origine iranienne, n […] Extension - 4 Jours / 3 Nuits Smaller groups, such as Armenians, Assyrians, Kurds, Tats, Talyshs, Jews, Circassians, (and other Peoples of the Caucasus), and Persians also inhabit the region. [108] Iranian Azerbaijan is one of the richest and most densely populated regions of Iran. Ensuite, route pour Kaleibar où vous visiterez la forteresse de Babak, lieu de commémoration pour les Azéris d’Iran. [109] The majority Azeris are followers of Shi'a Islam. زآذربایگان و ری و گرگان Les scientifiques pensent qu’elle est reliée à la grotte d’Ali Sadr à Hamadan. Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/page/index.php [22] They number between 16 and 24 percent[100][101][102][103] and between 15 and 16 million[104][105][106] of Iran's population, and comprise by far the second-largest ethnic group in the nation. Iranian nationalism is partly the product of Azerbaijani intellectuals. The Russian (Tsarist) army occupied Iranian Azerbaijan in 1909 and again in 1912–1914 and 1915–1918, followed by Ottoman forces in 1914–1915 and 1918–1919; Bolshevik forces occupied Iranian Azerbaijan and other parts of Iran in 1920–1921,[48][permanent dead link] and Soviet forces occupied Iranian Azerbaijan in 1941, creating a very short-lived autonomous, Soviet-supported state from November 1945 to November 1946,[49] which was dissolved after the reunification of Iranian Azerbaijan with Iran in November of the same year. Après une série de guerres entre la Russie et l'Iran, les traités du Golestan (1813) et de Torkmantchay (1828) établirent une nouvelle frontière entre les deux empires. A unique literary style known as qoshma (Azerbaijani: qoşma for improvisation) was introduced in this period, and developed by Shah Ismail and later by his son and successor, Shah Tahmasp and Tahmasp I. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. In the meantime, between 1514 and 1603, the Ottomans sometimes occupied Tabriz and other parts of the province during their numerous wars with their Safavid ideological and political archrivals. Les conditions naturelles sont très différenciées dans ce pays où s'imbriquent des massifs montagneux, notamment les grands massifs volcaniques du Sahand (3 670 m) et du Sabalān (4 270 m) et le Karadag ; des bassins semi-arides comme la plaine de Tabriz ou la cuvette du lac d'Ourmiah, sur la rive occidentale duquel a subsisté un peuplement de chrétiens assyro-chaldéens de langue araméenne, en de gros villages irrigués ; et des steppes basses comme les steppes du Moughān (partie iranienne des plaines inférieures de l'Araxe) fournissant des quartiers d'hiver à climat doux. Azerbaijan or Azarbaijan (Persian: آذربایجان‎, Āzarbāijān [ɒːzæɾbɒːjˈdʒɒːn]; Azerbaijani: آذربایجان‎, Āzerbāyjān [ɑːzæɾbɑjˈdʒɑn]), also known as Iranian Azerbaijan,[1] is a historical region in northwestern Iran that borders Iraq, Turkey, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Armenia, and the Republic of Azerbaijan. Choose from Azerbaijan, Ray, and Gorgan. Les véhicules motorisés sont interdits à Masouleh en raison de ce curieux agencement. Le matin, vous prendrez la direction de Soltanieh pour la découverte du mausolée du sultan Uldjaitu Khodabendeh, classé au Patrimoine mondial de l’Humanité par l’Unesco et construit entre 1302 et 1312. In 642, Piruz Khosrow, one of the Sasanian survivors during the battle of al-Qādisiyyah, fought against the Muslims at Nahavand, which was a gateway to the provinces of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Caucasian Albania. According to Professor Zadok: 950 €*. NOS CONSEILLERS - Rencontres avec la population, Le prix comprend : Zabiollah Safa (1986), "Persian Literature in the Safavid Period", The Cambridge History of Iran, vol. - Le numéro d’autorisation pour l’obtention du visa iranien consulté le 27 septembre 2020. Région située au nord-ouest des plateaux de l'Iran, l'Azerbaïdjan iranien, qui comptait 5 821 860 habitants lors du recensement de 2006, est divisé administrativement en deux provinces : Azerbaïdjan oriental (3 325 540 hab.) ", G. Gnoli, Zoroaster's time and homeland, Naples, 1980, For more information see: Ali Morshedizad, Roshanfekrane Azari va Hoviyate Melli va Ghomi (Azari Intellectuals and Their Attitude to National and Ethnic Identity (Tehran: Nashr-e Markaz publishing co., 1380). Envol pour Paris via Istanbul. Continuation pour la grotte de Katale Khor dont le nom signifie « le mont du soleil ». Extension - 4 Jours / 3 Nuits - Hôtel+repas+voiture+visites+guide. Ce territoire correspond aujourd’hui aux provinces (Ostan en persan) de l’Azerbaïdjan-Oriental, de l’Azerbaïdjan-Occidental, d'Ardabil et de Zanjan ainsi que d'une partie des provinces d’Hamadān et Qazvin. Matiene was later conquered by the Medes and became a satrapy of the Median empire and then a sub-satrapy of the Median satrapy of the Persian Empire. [31], On 26 May 451 AD, a very important battle was fought that would prove immensely pivotal in Armenian history. Continuation vers Soltanieh, ancienne capitale des Mongols Illkhan et visite du mausolée du sultan Oljeitu Khodabandeh, qui possède l'un des plus grands dômes du monde.  : […] The name Azerbaijan itself is derived from Atropates,[16] the Persian[17][18][19] Satrap (governor) of Medea in the Achaemenid empire, who ruled a region found in modern Iranian Azerbaijan called Atropatene. en 2006), renommée pour la fabrication de ses tapis. partager sa connaissance du terrain à travers ses créations, Vous personnalisez votre voyage selon vos envies et votre An influential piece of post-World War II Azerbaijani poetry, Heydar Babaya Salam (Greetings to Heydar Baba) was written by Azeri poet Mohammad Hossein Shahriar. Now 40 percent of Iranian carpet exports are carried through East Azarbaijan. Javascript doit être activé dans votre navigateur pour que vous puissiez utiliser les fonctionnalités de ce site internet.  : […] "[21] According to the Encyclopaedia of Islam: "In Middle Persian the name of the province was called Āturpātākān, older new-Persian Ādharbādhagān (آذربادگان/آذرآبادگان), Ādharbāyagān, at present Āzerbāydjān/Āzarbāydjān, Greek Atropatíni (᾿Ατροπατήνη), Byzantine Greek Adravigánon (᾿Αδραβιγάνων), Armenian Atrpatakan, Syriac Adhorbāyghān." Would choose in Azerbaijan to be [139] At the same time, they have influenced and been influenced by their non-Iranian neighbors, especially Caucasians and Russians. Présentation Itinéraire Budget. L'Azerbaïdjan iranien est une région située au nord-ouest de l'Iran, qui comporte plusieurs grandes villes historiques de ce pays comme Maragha, Tabriz, Zanjan, Ardabil, Ourmia. The Manneans were a confederation of Iranian and non-Iranian groups. During the Arab invasion of Iran, the Spahbed of Iran was Rostam Farrokhzad, the son of Farrukh Hormizd, who was the son of Vinduyih, the uncle of Khosrau I and brother of the Sasanian usurper Vistahm.,ïdjan_iranien&oldid=172272999, Organisation des nations et des peuples non représentés, Subdivision administrative illustrée par defaut.svg, Portail:Iran et monde iranien/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php "Azari: The Iranian Language of Azerbaijan" in Encyclopedia Iranica by E. YarshaterArchived 21 June 2009 at the. 3,724,620), West Azarbaijan (2012 pop. Line: 479 After the Islamic Conquest of Iran, Arab invaders converted most of its people to Islam and made it part of the caliphate. The only Caucasian territories remaining in Iranian hands were what is now Armenia, the Nakhichevan Khanate, and the Talysh Khanate. Ainsi, une révolte populaire s’organise en 1903-1904 comme à Tabriz, la capitale, contre le directeur local des douanes. Azerbaijanis, a Turkic speaking people, are culturally a part of the Iranian peoples and have influenced Iranian culture. After being conquered by Timur in the 14th century, Tabriz became an important provincial capital of the Timurid empire. A famous Zoroastrian priest by the name Adarbad Mahraspandan is well known for his counsels. Lire la suite, Dans le chapitre «  Une mosaïque de cultures cimentées par une commune appartenance nationale » Population and its Occupations and Culture", "Mourning Azerbaijanis residing in Mashhad", "سیدحسین هاشمی استانداری تهران را تحویل گرفت", "Azeris unhappy at being butt of national jokes",, "تبریز مرکز استانهای آذربایجان شرقی، آذربایجان غربی، اردبیل، زنجان، گیلان و کردستان می گردد", "ایران، فدرال می شود؟ تقسیم کشور به 5 منطقه مستقل", "World Heritage Committee inscribes seven cultural sites on World Heritage List", "Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil – UNESCO World Heritage Centre", "World Heritage Committee inscribes seven cultural sites on World Heritage List | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization", "به دنبال مکان مناسب برای راه‌اندازی بنیاد فرهنگی آذربایجان هستیم", "متروی تبریز اوایل خردادماه به راه می‌افتد", "ایجاد رشته زبان و ادبیات آذری در منطقه 3 آموزشی کشور", "ارومیه فعال در حوزه مطبوعات/ انتشار اولین نشریه شهرستانی در ارومیه", "برگزاری المپیاد ورزشی شمال‌غرب در اردبیل‌",, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from June 2018, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Persian-language text, Articles containing Azerbaijani-language text, Articles with dead external links from January 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, and other major petrochemical companies, oil refineries and industries are including, This page was last edited on 9 September 2020, at 10:00. Many of these various linguistic, religious, and tribal minority groups, and Azeris themselves have settled widely outside the region. The oldest kingdom known in Iranian Azerbaijan is that of the Mannea who ruled a region south-east of Lake Urmia centered around modern Saqqez. Representatives of Azerbaijani in the top two leagues: The mediaeval geographers mostly placed Zandjan in Djibal province, usually linking it with Abhar [q.v] or Awhar some 80 km/50 miles to its south-east, but they usually stated that it was on the frontier with Adharbaydjan, and some authorities attributed it to Daylam or to Rayy. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. [14], Since the late 17th/early 18th century, the Russians were actively pursuing an expansionist policy towards its neighbouring empires to its south, namely the Ottoman Empire and the successive Iranian kingdoms. [23] Azerbaijan, due to its numerous fire-temples has also been quoted in a variety of historic sources as being the birthplace of the prophet Zoroaster although modern scholars have not yet reached an agreement on the location of his birth. Ensuite, continuation pour Qazvin via Rasht, une des villes les plus vertes du nord de l’Iran. Article: "Zandjan", page 446: Michael P. Croissant, "The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Causes and Implications", Praeger/Greenwood, 1998. excerpt from pg 61: "During the Soviet-era historical revisionism and myth-building intended to denounce imperialism, the notion of a "northern" and "southern" Azerbaijan was created and propagated throughout USSR. The Sasanian army was defeated at the battle of al-Qādisiyyah and Rostam Farrokhzad, along with many other Sasanian veterans, was killed. Vaspurakan, of which large parts were located in what is modern-day Iranian Azerbaijan is described as the cradle of Armenian civilization. Ainsi les Turcs Azeris du Caucase furent-ils séparés de la majorité de leurs compatriotes de langue et de religion, qui restaient en Iran. There are seven civil airports in the region and the biggest Airport in the region is Tabriz International Airport located in north-west of Tabriz. The region, which came to be known as Atropatene or Media Atropatene (after Atropates), was much disputed. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. The oldest kingdom known in Iranian Azerbaijan is that of the Mannea who ruled a region south-east of Lake Urmia centered around modern Saqqez. Route pour Ahar. Arrivée à Tabriz. Soulagé du recul géographique russe, Téhéran pourrait se rapprocher à nouveau de la zone qui faisait partie jadis de sa sphère d'influence et pour laquelle il représentait un pôle d'attraction ethnoculturel. Continuation vers Ahar et visite du musée et du mausolée de Shahab-Al-Din, un poète mystique iranien de la fin du XIIe siècle. - Les visites non mentionnées Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_harry_book.php L’Azerbaïdjan iranien est la province qui fait office de figure de proue dans cette révolution, qui permettra la création du Majlis ou Parlement iranien. The railway started from Jolfa, a city on the border of Iran and the modern Republic of Azerbaijan. Route pour Maku pour la visite du monastère arménien de Saint-Thaddée connu aussi sous le nom de Qareh Qelisa (l’église noire). En cours de route, découverte des « rainbow mountains » (Aladaghlar). Vous y découvrirez leurs habitations creusées dans la roche : certaines sont simple, et sont des grottes formées naturellement ; d’autres sont plus élaborées, avec des décorations colorées, des tentures et des tapis ; certaines sont même désormais équipées de l’électricité et de l’eau courante. [131], Azerbaijan's major cities are Tabriz[112][113] (the capital of East Azerbaijan), Urmia[112][113] (the capital of West Azerbaijan), Zanjan[112][113] (the capital of Zanjan Province), Ardabil[112][113] (the capital of Ardabil Province) and Major cities non-capital of Province's Azerbaijan are Khoy and Maragheh. After confrontations with the local Dailamite and Kurdish populations who had already established their own dynasties and emirates in different parts of Azerbaijan, the Seljuks dominated the region in the 11th and early 12th centuries, at which point the linguistic Turkification of the native Iranian populations began. Pour terminer la journée, promenade dans le bazar de Zanjan où vous trouverez les meilleurs couteaux du pays. —Ferdowsi. Les Russes acquirent Bakou, Shirvan, Giandja, Erevan et le Nakhitchevan. La diversité culturelle de l'Iran tient tout à la fois à la juxtaposition de milieux géographiques très contrastés (terres humides et palustres du littoral caspien, plateau aride ponctué d'oasis, grandes cuvettes désertiques du Dasht-e Kavir et du Dasht-e Lut, chaîne montagneuse du Zagros...) et à une histoire faite d'invasions successives qui ont inégalement marqué les différentes régions du pays […]